Friday, June 13, 2008

something exciting that came from spanish class

I love this poem by Becquér:

Tu pupila es azul, y cuando ríes,
su claridad suave me recuerda
el trémulo fulgor de la mañana,
que en el mar se refleja.

Tu pupila es azul, y cuando lloras,
las trasparentes lágrimas en ella
se me figuran gotas de rocío
sobre una violeta.

Tu pupila es azul, y si en su fondo
como un punto de luz radia una idea,
me parece en el cielo de la tarde
una perdida estrella.

~Roughly translated, it says:

Your eyes are blue, and when you laugh,
their gentle clarity reminds me
of the trembling radiance of the morning,
which is reflected in the sea.

Your eyes are blue, and when weeping,
the transparent tears
to me appear as drops of dew
on a violet.

Your eyes are blue, and if in your essence
as a point of light radiates an idea,
a lost star appears to me
in the sky in the afternoon.

but it's better in spanish :)